Captured from above Sydney’s George Street looking down towards Martin Place, it pictures a crowd gathered to celebrate Armistice Day on 11 November 1919. The first Remembrance Day after the guns fell silent in 1918. Standing in their thousands, they are Australians, stilled and silent in a solemn moment of commemoration. Remembrance Day Commemorative Address. Address given by Mr Kerry Stokes AC, Fellow of the Australian War Memorial. We pause here in silence. We reflect on this day when the guns finally fell silent on the Western Front in 1918. Immersed in the spirit of those who have given their all, their lives for us in war, in peacekeeping and in ... Today on Remembrance Day, as we observe the minute of silence in all its solemnity, we think of that moment 106 years ago as the guns fell still across Europe.There, in that profound silence that belonged equally to the dead and the living, stood the hope that the world would never know such conflict again.Although it was not realised, we hold on to hope with the same determination we hold on ... Governor-General Samantha Mostyn delivers her Remembrance Day address at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. “In my months since my swearing in as your Governor-General and as Commander and ... Remembrance Day quotes honouring their service. “Our country honours those who have served, both past and present, in times of war, military conflict and peace.”. —Lawrence MacAulay, former Minister of Veterans Affairs and Associate Minister of National Defence. Find out why July 25, 1944, was one of Canada’s darkest days in the Second ... Most well-known speech. An Australian Remembrance Day speech that is often referred to is former prime minister Paul Keating's eulogy delivered at the funeral service of the Unknown Australian Soldier on 11 November 1993. A YouTube audio and an mp3 file (archived) of the speech are also available. The Ode of Remembrance has been recited to commemorate wartime service and sacrifice since 1921. Reading a poem at a commemorative service can help the audience to understand the wartime experience of service men and women. Well-known wartime poetry is often used during commemorative services. The Ode is the 4th stanza of the poem For the ... To honour Remembrance Day, we’re sharing Alison Carter’s story, For Idle Hands.First published in The People’s Friend November 10, 2021. Set in 1921. Keeping busy seemed the best way to cope in the aftermath of war . . . J F K ennedy. Veterans Day Address. delivered 11 November 1961, Arlington National Cemetery. Audio mp3 of Address. [AUTHENTICITY CERTIFIED: Text version below transcribed directly from audio] Mr. Gavin, Mr. Gleason, members of the military forces, veterans, fellow Americans: Today we are here to celebrate and to honor and to commemorate the ...
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