Commemorate. Speeches. Remembrance Day Commemorative Address. 11 November 2023. Delivered by Chief of Personnel, Lieutenant General Natasha Fox, AO, CSC. Your Excellencies, the Honourable Mr Albanese Prime Minister of Australia, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, and to the many veterans and families who are here today. Governor-General Samantha Mostyn delivers her Remembrance Day address at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. “In my months since my swearing in as your Governor-General and as Commander and ... Sample speeches for Anzac Day and Remembrance Day. Use these speeches as a starting point for your own commemoration. We encourage local communities to research a veteran from their local area and to highlight their service in the speech. We pause here in silence. We reflect on this day when the guns finally fell silent on the Western Front in 1918. Immersed in the spirit of those who have given their all, their lives for us in war, in peacekeeping and in humanitarian assistance. We pay tribute and ponder what we have been given. Media statement. Monday 11 November 2024. The Hon Anthony Albanese MP. Prime Minister of Australia. Listen. Today on Remembrance Day, as we observe the minute of silence in all its solemnity, we think of that moment 106 years ago as the guns fell still across Europe. There, in that profound silence that belonged equally to the dead and the ... Remembrance Day Commemorative Address 2021. 11 November 2021. Mr Matthew Anderson PSM, Director of the Australian War Memorial. In 1993, on the 75th anniversary of the Armistice, then Prime Minister Keating delivered the Eulogy for the Unknown Australian Soldier. In interring a soldier from the Great War, the so-called War to end all Wars ... Remembrance Day services are being held across the country as people pause to honour those who have died while serving in conflicts and peace-keeping operations. Today marks 106 years since the ... Governor-General Samantha Mostyn delivers her Remembrance Day address at the Australian War Memorial in Canberra. “In my months since my swearing in as your ... Today is Remembrance Day, a day of national commemoration. On this day at 11 am, Australians pause in silence for a minute to remember the bravery and sacrifice of the people who lost their lives while serving Australia and its allies in wars, conflicts and peace operations.
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Articles and news, personal stories, interviews with experts.
Photos from events, contest for the best costume, videos from master classes.