These Veterans Day videos help kids understand what the holiday is all about, and provide special ways to honor those who've served. Scholastic Classroom Magazines shares activities for elementary students to thank veterans for their service and help their community this Veterans Day. You're never too young to thank a veteran. So we’ve come up with three great ways your students can show their gratitude right now! Use this lesson plan to help your students identify and understand important veterans in their life. Write an argument to either support or reject claims that veterans today face challenges... Provide students with some background on veterans. Build background knowledge (10 min.) Watch our video "Thank You, Veterans!" After children have finished watching the video, discuss the following questions: What is a veteran? (someone who has served in the armed forces) Why do we honor veterans? Reading Skills. Answer close-reading questions about the article “Honoring Veterans.”. PDF. Google. 3. Skill Building. FEATURED SKILL: Explanatory Writing. Commemorate Veterans Day by using the skill builder “Celebrate Veterans” to have students write and illustrate letters to veterans in your community. Provide students with some background on Veterans Day. Build background knowledge (10 min.) Watch our video "Thank You, Veterans!" After children have finished watching the video, discuss the following question: What is a veteran? Learn some facts about Veterans Day in this video for kids of all ages. We learn what a veteran is, the origin of the holiday, and how YOU can celebrate Vete... Do you know any veterans? How do you honor them? Find more teaching resources at Watch and play more games at or download the FREE PBS KIDS Video... 1. Watch the Video and Think. Watch our video Thank You, Veterans! to give children background on who veterans are and why it’s important to honor them. After watching, ask: “Do you think being in the armed forces is hard work? Why?” (SKILL: SL.1.2 Discuss a video) 2. Preview Vocabulary. Play the vocabulary slideshow.
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Articles and news, personal stories, interviews with experts.
Photos from events, contest for the best costume, videos from master classes.