On National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, we honor the service and sacrifice of the American and Korean service members who fought valiantly in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. The Defense Department marks the signing of the Korean Armistice Agreement, which ended three years of fighting on the Korean Peninsula, and joins the nation and world in honoring those who... Each year both America and South Korea observe National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day on July 27. This day was started as a way to commemorate and recognize the peace treaty that triggered a cease-fire in a long-standing war. In a call to defend freedom and democracy abroad, 1.8 million Americans joined the fight to protect our Korean Peninsula allies from the communist regimes in North Korea and The People's Republic of China. The United States and the Republic of Korea are allies with a long history of shared sacrifice. In a call to defend freedom and democracy abroad, 1.8 million Americans joined the fight to protect... Seventy years ago, the Korean War ended with a cease-fire, not a victory or a peace deal, and veterans marked the occasion Thursday at the Korean War Memorial in Washington, D.C., with... A Proclamation on National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, 2022. In June of 1950, the United States answered the call to defend freedom abroad by joining the Republic of Korea in its... On National Korean War Veterans Armistice Day, we honor the service and sacrifice of the American and Korean service members who fought valiantly in the Korean War from 1950 to 1953. The Korean War Veterans Memorial is a national memorial in Washington, DC, that honors Korean War Veterans who fought against North Korea’s invasion of South Korea in 1950.
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