Short Veteran's Day Poems. Stand by the Flag by John P. Keys; Long Veteran's Day Poems. Veterans, Teach Us by Anonymous; The Veteran and the Child by Hannah Flagg Gould Poems about veterans honor and recognize their sacrifices for our country. These poems can inspire patriotism, express gratitude, and share stories and memories of veterans. Celebrating Veterans Day can include attending parades or ceremonies, visiting cemeteries, and thanking veterans for their service. Whatever the reason, here are several poems that offer a space and the time to reflect as we pay honor to our country's veterans. (Click on the title to read the full text of each poem.) Every November 11, Americans celebrate those who have served in the armed forces and dedicated themselves to fighting for the greater good of the country. For this Veterans Day, we’ve compiled poems that recall the strength, courage, and patriotism of those who have served. Share these short Veterans Day poems as a reminder of the courage and sacrifice by brave men and women that served our country. One powerful way to show gratitude for their service is by reading and sharing poems of war, valor, and sacrifice. Browse the following classic and contemporary poems, including several written by poets who served in the United States armed forces. Classic and contemporary poems that explore the meaning of Veterans Day. In poems, podcasts, articles, and more, writers measure the human effects of war. As they present the realities of life for soldiers returning home, the poets here refrain from depicting popular images of veterans. This short poem for Veterans Day is to give honor to the many selfless heroes who sacrificed themselves in so many ways and in so many wars throughout history so that we can live in freedom. Many of the heroes will carry those scars forever! Freedom isn't really free. Our heroes fought and sacrificed all for the price of our freedom! The poems associated with Veterans Day inspire a profound sense of gratitude for the freedom and peace preserved through the valor and sacrifices of veterans, serving as poignant expressions of appreciation and reflection on the enduring gifts of liberty.
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Articles and news, personal stories, interviews with experts.
Photos from events, contest for the best costume, videos from master classes.