In these eight documentaries, the lives of various veterans are skillfully displayed with humanity, nuance, and brutal honesty, and exemplify some of the best work in documentary filmmaking. A look at the history of the holiday honoring those who fought for America, both living and dead.HISTORY®, now reaching more than 98 million homes, is the le... Veterans Day allows Americans to honor military veterans across the country. Orginally celebrated as "Armistice Day" to mark the end of battles during WWI, the celebration has now extended to honor the more than 23 million veterans in the United States. In these seven documentaries and programs, you'll hear from U.S. military veterans who served in various wars and combat missions. This Veterans Day, and every day, we remember and... November 11th is Veteran's Day! Do you know any veterans? How do you honor them? Find more teaching resources at Watch and play more games at or... Retro Report has a selection of videos to help teachers commemorate Veterans Day (Nov. 11). Learn more about our resources below. 1. Veterans Day Facts for Kids. Best for: Elementary school. This is a nice overview of Veterans Day for the elementary school crowd. They’ll learn what a veteran is, why we celebrate on November 11, and how they can honor veterans on that day. 2. Veterans Day for Kids Cartoon. Best for: Upper elementary. We learn what a veteran is, the origin of the holiday, and how YOU can celebrate Veterans Day!...more. Learn some facts about Veterans Day in this video for kids of all ages. Use this PBS NewsHour lesson plan to help students understand the significance of Veterans Day and the meaning of sacrifice. Students will identify important veterans in their lives, examine...
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Articles and news, personal stories, interviews with experts.
Photos from events, contest for the best costume, videos from master classes.