The National Veterans Memorial and Museum's Hybrid Memorial Day Run, Walk, Ruck & Roll is on Sunday May 28, 2023. It includes the following events: 5K and Virtual Run/Walk. This Veterans Day, let’s come together to honor the service and sacrifices of our nation’s heroes. By dedicating a flag for just $20, you can help transform the National Veterans Memorial and Museum’s front lawn into a magnificent display of red, white, and blue – a powerful symbol of the freedoms our fallen warriors fought to protect. This Saturday is Veterans Day, and Columbus will be hosting several events, presentations, interactive experiences and celebrations in honor of veterans who have served in the armed forces. Veterans Day events and more at National Veterans Memorial and Museum. The National Veterans Memorial and Museum (NVMM), located in Downtown Columbus, honors all of our veterans from all branches and all eras. Join us at the MILVETS Veterans Day Rally on November 10th to celebrate and honor our Veterans. The event will feature entertainment, a free meal and Veteran-related vendor tents. 2024 Veterans Day Rally. Sun. Nov 10, 2024, 11:30 am – 3:30 pm ET. National Veterans Memorial and Museum. 300 W Broad St. Columbus, OH. Join us at the MILVETS Veterans Day Rally on November 10th to celebrate and honor our Veterans. The event will feature entertainment, a free meal and Veteran-related vendor tents. COLUMBUS, Ohio (WSYX) — The National Veterans Memorial and Museum is preparing for Veterans Day. Volunteers from Google and the T. Marzetti Company planted hundreds of flags on the front lawn of ... The Buckeye Purple Heart Foundation & Buckeye Chapter 500 of the Military Order of the Purple Heart are proud to present our Annual 5K Night Run/Walk to honor those military veterans wounded or killed in service to our Nation. Sat. Nov 11, 2023, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm ET. Where: The National Veterans Memorial and Museum. 300 West Broad Street. Columbus, OH. Cost: Free. Join us to honor and celebrate the selfless service of millions of Veterans who have defended our freedoms and way of life during our annual Veterans Day Ceremony.
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Articles and news, personal stories, interviews with experts.
Photos from events, contest for the best costume, videos from master classes.