Saving Private Ryan (1998) Directed by Steven Spielberg, Saving Private Ryan features an all-star cast that includes Tom Hanks, Matt Damon and Vin Diesel. The epic film is set during World War II and revolves around the story of a mother who receives word that three of her four sons have all been killed in action. 1 of 15. November 11, 2015, 3:13pm. Hollywood has always been enamored of the military, with numerous films depicting our veterans at home and abroad earning both box office success and awards ... On that Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners scheduled to travel from the East Coast to California. Watch on. Chris Hemsworth leads a special team of Green Berets ... Where to watch. Director Oliver Stone’s Platoon follows Chris Taylor (Charlie Sheen), a U.S. military recruit, after he is sent to Vietnam. Shortly after arriving in the war-torn country, Taylor finds himself caught in an ideological conflict between two of his superiors, Staff Sergeant Barnes (Tom Berenger) and Sergeant Elias (Willem Dafoe). A Soldier’s Story (1984) Mudbound (2017) Born on the Fourth of July (19) Platoon (1986) Da 5 Bloods (2020) The Hurt Locker (2008) American Sniper (2014) And there you have it, dear readers, my ... What to watch in honor of the spirit of Veterans Day: Dunkirk. Courtesy Photo. It checks all the boxes you might expect from a war film – grand in scale, breathlessly tense, epically shot – and delivers an unforgettable, no-breaks story about the evacuation of men from the beaches of Dunkirk. 4. Zero Dark Thirty. Veterans Day is observed on Nov. 11 in recognition of the anniversary of the armistice that ended World War I, and you can devote a night to that episode in world history with a double feature of acclaimed films dramatizing it. Veterans Day is observed November 11 The post Veterans Day Movie Guide: Where to Stream ’12 Strong,’ ‘Flags of Our Fathers,’ ‘Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant’ and More appeared first on ... A Few Good Men (1992) A Few Good Men. Credit: Columbia Pictures. Not a war story, but still one of the best military movies ever made. Jack Nicholson and Tom Cruise both knock it out of the park ...
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