Is veterans day stock market closed How did veterans day come to be

Is veterans day stock market closed How did veterans day come to be

Veterans Day Wishes for Army. Happy Veterans Day to the heroes of the nation. Your commitment and sacrifices were unbound. This country needs more patriotic citizens like you. Happy Veterans Day to the bravest men and women who served in the Army. You did a great job for the country while serving us, protecting us and upholding our independence. With freedom comes responsibility.”. — Eleanor Roosevelt. "Freedom is never free." —Unknown. "Lord, bid war's trumpet cease; fold the whole Earth in peace." —Oliver Wendell Holmes. "This nation will remain the land of the free only as long as it is home of the brave." —Elmer Davis. “In the face of impossible odds, people who love ... 50. Happy Veterans Day! Your bravery and dedication inspire us all. Thank you. 51. Thank you for your commitment to freedom. Happy Veterans Day! 52. Wishing you a peaceful and proud Veterans Day ... Happy Veterans Day to my favorite vet. I’m so proud of you for answering the call to defend our freedom. There is nothing I can say that can describe how amazed I am by your dedication. Thank you for your service. Happy Veterans Day. Dad/mom/bro/sis/dude, on this day, may you realize how loved and appreciated you are for your service. Liberty now has a country.”. — Marquis de Lafayette. “Patriotism consists not in waving the flag, but in striving that our country shall be righteous as well as strong.”. — James Bryce ... 15. "On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have ... Veterans Day is a great opportunity to fly the flag. Just make sure you're observing the proper rules for display. Here are a few of those important tips: Never drag a U.S. flag on the ground or ... Pride — Especially Appropriate For Recipients Who Are Family Members: To my Brother, who proudly answered his country’s call — a message to say I think of you with pride…on Veterans Day and always. It’s veterans like you who have made this country great. So grateful to be an American. So proud to call you family. Happy Veterans Day. We thank you. #23 Thank you for your service and sacrifice for all of us. Enjoy every second of this Veterans Day, remembering your selfless accomplishments and dedication to all Americans and this great country. #24 Your sacrifices have been an overwhelming inspiration to me and countless others.

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Is veterans day stock market closed How did veterans day come to be
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