During the week of Veterans Day, music teachers can include songs, games, and activities that specifically celebrate our veterans. Explore your curriculum resources, songbooks, music educational magazines, and online sources like YouTube. On Veterans Day. Words and Music by Karl Hitzemann, Music K-8 Vol. 25, No. 2, Nov./Dec. 2014. You sacrificed to serve our nation. You make us proud in many ways. Because of you, we have our freedom. We honor you on Vet’rans Day. Your family, how they did worry. They prayed that you’d return one day. Honoring Veterans on Veterans Day and everyday made for students across the land. To all Veterans: Thank you for your service to all Veterans! Song and music by Karl Hitzemann Link to... Kids can celebrate Veterans Day by singing patriotic songs, writing letters of appreciation to veterans, creating patriotic artwork, participating in a parade or ceremony, or visiting a local veterans’ hospital. On Veterans Day - Karl Hitzemann (Lyrics) SoundWave Lyrics. 241 subscribers. Subscribed. 442. 55K views 3 years ago NOWHERE. Happy early vets day...more. I am posting to share with my students for a Veterans Day performance. This is a practice track. Music K-8 Magazine. Plank Ro... by Karl Hitzemann. "You sacrificed to serve our nation. You make us proud in many ways. Because of you we have our freedom. We honor you on Vet'rans Day." This song is a moving, poignant tribute and "thank you" to the men and women who have served and who are serving our nation. (from Music K-8, Vol. 25, No. 2) What's in a Singles Reproducible Kit? Read about the song,Veterans, We Love You, from Music K-8 magazine, and listen to an extended sound clip. Book suggestions for Veteran's Day: Children's Songs and Educational Music for preschool, elementary, middle and high school. Lyrics, mp3 downloads, DVDs and CDs.
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Articles and news, personal stories, interviews with experts.
Photos from events, contest for the best costume, videos from master classes.